Jérémie Dumas

Research Engineer


Jérémie Dumas is a research engineer at Adobe Research. His main focus is geometry processing, implicit modeling and procedural synthesis, with a keen interest for physical simulation, shape optimization, and digital fabrication.

Jérémie completed his PhD at Inria Nancy Grand-Est in 2017, under the supervision of Sylvain Lefebvre. His dissertation received the Eurographics Annual Award for Best PhD Thesis in 2018. After his PhD, Jérémie worked as a postdoctoral researcher at in the Geometric Computing Lab at New York University, under the supervision of Daniele Panozzo and Denis Zorin. He was also a software engineer at nTopology, developing a CAD software for 3D printing based on implicit modeling techniques.

For more information, please visit his personal webpage.


Half-Space Power Diagrams and Discrete Surface Offsets

Chen, Z., Dumas, J., Panozzo, D. (Oct. 11, 2019)

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics
