
PageNet: Page Boundary Extraction in Historical Handwritten Documents

International Workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing

Publication date: September 10, 2017

Chris Tensmeyer, Brian Davis, Curtis Wigington, Iain Lee, William Barrett

When digitizing a document into an image, it is common to include a surrounding border region to visually indicate that the entire document is present in the image. However, this border should be removed prior to automated processing. In this work, we present a deep learning system, PageNet, which identifies the main page region in an image in order to segment content from both textual and non-textual border noise. In PageNet, a Fully Convolutional Network obtains a pixel-wise segmentation which is post-processed into a quadrilateral region. We evaluate PageNet on 4 collections of historical handwritten documents and obtain over 94% mean intersection over union on all datasets and approach human performance on 2 collections. Additionally, we show that PageNet can segment documents that are overlayed on top of other documents.

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