Atanu R Sinha is a Principal Scientist at Adobe Research, Bangalore. He received a Ph.D. from the Stern School of Business at the New York University. His Professorial career started at the Anderson School of Management, UCLA. He then moved to the Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado, Boulder, where he is an Emeritus. Foreseeing the impact of Machine Learning (ML), he switched to Adobe Research in 2016 from his tenured academic position. Since then, he has been working in different aspects of ML and AI. He has published in AAAI, CHI, CIKM, WSDM, ICDAR, ISMAR, Management Science, Marketing Science, Psychometrika, among others. His current primary research focus is user behavior modeling, where the user could be individuals, groups, or firms. Theoretical modeling of Mechanism Design and Designing Experimental Studies for Evaluation are other areas of current research. Learning from user behavior logs, he offers ML and AI methods to address new problems. Broadly, his research interests span theoretical and empirical modeling of consumer decision making, and firm decision making, by recognizing strategic behaviors of both consumers and firms, institutional practices, and behaviors laced with cognitive biases. The research draws from base disciplines of economics, game theory, statistics, and cognitive and social psychology. His expertise covers predictive user segmentation, cost conscious optimization of segmentation and channel delivery, customer experience measurement, two-sided platform markets, pricing, auctions, negotiations, social networks, coalitions and alliances, reward programs, new products, augmented reality, among others. He has taught courses at the PhD, MBA, MS and UG programs across University of Colorado, UCLA, Indian School of Business, Korea University, and Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore. He has offered executive programs across US, India, Germany, and Korea and had consulted with many large US companies, including tech companies. After completing Bachelors and Masters, pursuing Statistics and Mathematics, from the Indian Statistical Institute, he was instrumental in starting the market research function for Tata Motors (then, Telco).