
Model-Independent Online Learning for Influence Maximization

Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 2017

Publication date: August 6, 2017

Sharan Vaswani, Branislav Kveton, Zheng Wen, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Laks V. S. Lakshmanan, Mark Schmidt

We consider influence maximization (IM) in social networks, which is the problem of maximizing the number of users that become aware of a product by selecting a set of “seed” users to expose the product to. While prior work assumes a known model of information diffusion, we propose a novel parametrization that not only makes our framework agnostic to the underlying diffusion model, but also statistically efficient to learn from data. We give a corresponding monotone, submodular surrogate function, and show that it is a good approximation to the original IM objective. We also consider the case of a new marketer looking to exploit an existing social network, while simultaneously learning the factors governing information propagation. For this, we propose a pairwise-influence semi-bandit feedback model and develop a LinUCB-based bandit algorithm. Our model-independent analysis shows that our regret bound has a better (as compared to previous work) dependence on the size of the network. Experimental evaluation suggests that our framework is robust to the underlying diffusion model and can efficiently learn a near-optimal solution.

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Research Area:  Adobe Research iconAI & Machine Learning