Publication date: January 1, 2000
Photonics West 2001-Electronic Imaging
Shriram Revankar, Z. Fan
Publication date: September 19, 1999
ICCV 1999: Seventh IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision
Publication date: September 7, 1999
Correia, N., Chambel, T., Davenport, G. (eds.), Multimedia ´99, Proceedings of the Eurographics Workshop in Milano, Italy, September 7-8, 1999
Publication date: May 3, 1999
Technical Report STAN-CS-TR-99-1620 . This is my thesis work. ( pdf )
Publication date: February 2, 1999
In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 99 , 433–438
M. Kowalski, L. Markosian, J. Northrup, L. Bourdev, R. Barzel, L. Holden, J. Hughes
Publication date: February 1, 1999
Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation 10(2): 109-119 (1999)
Gavin Miller, S. Grisedale, K. Anderson
Publication date: February 1, 1999
Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '99
M. Regan, Gavin Miller, S. Rubin, C. Kogelnik
Publication date: February 1, 1999
In HWWS '99: Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics Hardware , 45–53
J. Hart, Nathan Carr, M. Kameya, S. Tibbitts, T. Coleman
Publication date: January 31, 1999
IEEE Visualization '99 , San Francisco 1999
Sunil Hadap, E. Bangarter, P. Volino, N. Magnenat-Thalmann
Publication date: August 3, 1998
In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '98 , 275–286, 1998
O. Deussen, P. Hanrahan, B. Lintermann, Radomír Měch, M. Pharr, P. Prusinkiewicz
Publication date: July 1, 1998
Eric Stollnitz, Victor Ostromoukhov, David H Salesin
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: June 29, 1998
Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , Vienna, Austria, June 29th - July 1st, 1998
Publication date: June 29, 1998
Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Rendering , Vienna, Austria, June 29th - July 1st, 1998
Publication date: June 1, 1998
Digital Press, 1998
Paul Asente, Donna Converse, Ralph Swick
Human Computer Interaction
Systems & Languages
Publication date: June 1, 1998
University of Washington PhD dissertation
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: March 1, 1998
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , March/April 1998, pp.44-58
Gavin Miller, M. Halstead, M. Clifton
Publication date: January 31, 1998
RDF-Schema Working Group W3C Technical Note. World Wide Web Consortium. 1998
Walter Chang
Publication date: November 10, 1997
PhD Thesis, The University of Calgary
Publication date: November 4, 1997
Technical Report STAN-CS-TR-97-1597. ( pdf )
Publication date: August 2, 1997
In Proc. SIGGRAPH , 127–134, 1997.
Dan Goldman