
Publication date: April 11, 2011

Guided Procedural Modeling

Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 30(2), 2011

B. Beneš, O. Šťava, Radomír Měch, Gavin Miller
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: April 1, 2011

Metropolis Procedural Modeling

ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) , 30(2), April 2011

J. Talton, Y. Lou, S. Lesser, J. Duke, Radomír Měch, V. Koltun
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: April 1, 2011

Robust Face Detection in Patient Triage Images.

In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications

Niyati Chhaya, Tim Oates
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video

Publication date: March 19, 2011

Automated Facial Affect Analysis for one-on-one Tutoring Applications

IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition (FG) 2011.

N. Butko, Georgios Theocharous, M. Philipose, J. Movellan

Publication date: March 1, 2011

Joint Inference for Extracting Text Descriptors from Triage Images of Mass Disaster Victims

Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Niyati Chhaya
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Natural Language Processing

Publication date: February 2, 2011

Interactive dense 3D modeling of indoor environments

University of Washington Technical Report UW-CSE-11-02-02 . Feb 2, 2011

H. Du, P. Henry, X. Ren, D. Fox, Dan Goldman, S. Seitz

Publication date: February 1, 2011

An Adaptive Time-Frequency Resolution Approach for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization Based Single Channel Sound Source Separation

ICASSP 2011 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing

S. Kirbiz, Paris Smaragdis
  • Adobe Research icon Audio

Publication date: February 1, 2011

Crowds in Two Seconds: Enabling Realtime Crowd-Powered Interfaces

In Proceedings of UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology . [ doi ]

M. Bernstein, Joel Brandt, R. Miller, D. Karger

Publication date: February 1, 2011

Design Principles for Visual Communication

Communications of the ACM , 54(4)

M. Agarwala, Wilmot Li, F. Berthouzoz

Publication date: February 1, 2011

Display-aware Image Editing

ICCP 2011 - International Conference on Computational Photography

W. Jeong, M. Johnson, I. Yu, J. Kautz, H. Pfister, Sylvain Paris

Publication date: February 1, 2011

Modeling and Removing Spatially-Varying Optical Blur

ICCP 2011 - International Conference on Computational Photography

E. Kee, Sylvain Paris, S. Chen, Jue Wang

Publication date: February 1, 2011

Nearest Subspace Representations for Sound Mixtures

ICASSP 2011 - International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing

Paris Smaragdis
  • Adobe Research icon Audio

Publication date: February 1, 2011

The Video Mesh: A Data Structure for Image-based Three-dimensional Video Editing

ICCP 2011 - International Conference on Computational Photography

J. Chen, Sylvain Paris, Jue Wang, W. Matusik, M. Cohen, F. Durand

Publication date: February 1, 2011

Why Standardization Efforts Fail

JEP – The Journal of Electronic Publishing, University of Michigan, Volume 14, Issue 1

C. Cargill

Publication date: January 31, 2011

Non-photorealistic, Depth-based Image Editing

Computer and Graphics, Volume 35, Issue 1, February, 2011

J. Lopez-Moreno, J. Jimenez, Sunil Hadap, K. Anjyo, E. Reinhard, D. Gutierrez

Publication date: January 30, 2011

Describing People: A Poselet-Based Approach to Attribute Classification

In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2011 )

L. Bourdev, S. Maji, J. Malik

Publication date: January 30, 2011

Pause-and-play: Automatically Linking Screencast Video Tutorials with Applications

In ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2011)

S. Pongnumkul, Mira Dontcheva, Wilmot Li, L. Bourdev, S. Avidan, Jue Wang, M. Cohen

Publication date: January 30, 2011

Poselets and Their Applications in High-Level Computer Vision

Ph.D. Thesis, U.C.Berkeley

L. Bourdev

Publication date: January 30, 2011

Position Paper: Dynamically Inferred Types for Dymanic Languages

International Workshop on Script to Program Evolution , Jan. 29

J. An, A. Chaudhuri, J. Foster, M. Hicks

Publication date: January 30, 2011

Semantic Contours Using Inverse Detectors

In International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2011 )

B. Hariharan, P. Arbelaez, L. Bourdev, S. Maji, J. Malik
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