Adrien is a researcher working on 3D computer vision and machine learning applied to the capture and abstraction of digital materials and shapes.

Prior to joining Adobe, Adrien did a PhD with the Computer Graphics group at Telecom Paris, investigating lightweight geometric modeling for captured data, with a focus on real time scene analysis for 3D interaction on low-end hardware. In 2014, he received an MSc in Computer Science from CPE Lyon and an MSc by Research in Computer Graphics from the University of Lyon. Previous professional experience includes work on 3D medical data processing, computer vision for augmented reality and software engineering.

A full list of his publications and more information about his research can be found on his personal website.


ControlMat: Controlled Generative Approach to Material Capture

Vecchio, G., Martin, R., Roullier, A., Kaiser, A., ROUFFET, R., Deschaintre, V., Boubekeur, T. (Sep. 1, 2024)

Transaction on Graphics

Semantic Shape Editing with Parametric Implicit Templates

Kusupati, U., Gaillard, M., Thiery, J., Kaiser, A. (Jul. 28, 2024)


RRM: Relightable assets using Radiance guided Material extraction

Gomez, D., Philip, J., Kaiser, A., Michel, Ã. (Jul. 5, 2024)

CGI 2024

MaterIA: Single Image High-Resolution Material Capture in the Wild

Martin, R., Roullier, A., ROUFFET, R., Kaiser, A., Boubekeur, T. (Apr. 25, 2022)


Proxy Clouds for Live RGB-D Stream Processing and Consolidation

Kaiser, A., Zepeda, J., Boubekeur, T. (Sep. 10, 2018)

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2018

A Survey of Simple Geometric Primitives Detection Methods for Captured 3D Data

Kaiser, A., Zepeda, J., Boubekeur, T. (Jul. 4, 2018)

Computer Graphics Forum 2018
