Mathieu Gaillard

Research Engineer

San Jose

Mathieu Gaillard is a Research Engineer at Adobe Research, based in San Jose. His research interests include procedural modeling, 3D reconstruction, and computational optimization of 3D models.

Prior to joining Adobe Research, Mathieu received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Purdue University under the supervision of Bedřich Beneš with a thesis on 3D Reconstruction of Sorghum Plants for High-Throughput Phenotyping. Previously, he completed a double degree in Computer Science & Engineering at INSA Lyon in France, and University of Passau in Germany.

A full list of his publications and more information about his research can be found on his personal website.


Direct Manipulation of Analytic Implicit Surfaces

Riso, M., Michel, Ã., Paris, A., Deschaintre, V., Gaillard, M., Pellacini, F. (Dec. 2, 2024)

SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

Semantic Shape Editing with Parametric Implicit Templates

Kusupati, U., Gaillard, M., Thiery, J., Kaiser, A. (Jul. 28, 2024)


Automatic Differentiable Procedural Modeling

Gaillard, M., Krs, V., Gori, G., Měch, R., Benes, B. (May. 24, 2022)

Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)

PICO: procedural iterative constrained optimizer for geometric modeling

Krs, V., Měch, R., Gaillard, M., Carr, N., Benes, B. (May. 18, 2020)

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics