Paul Guerrero is a Research Scientist at Adobe. Previously, he was a Post-Doc at UCL in Niloy Mitra’s group, a visiting PhD/PostDoc at KAUST, working with Peter Wonka, and a visiting Post-Doc at Stanford, working with Leonidas Guibas. Paul received his PhD at the Vienna University of Technology under the supervision of Michael Wimmer. His research focuses on shape analysis and on learning irregular structures, such as graphs, meshes, or vector graphics, combining methods from machine learning, optimization, and computational geometry. Paul has developed several structure-based methods to generate and edit 2D and 3D shapes. More information is available on his homepage.


Procedural Material Generation with Reinforcement Learning

Li, B., Hu, Y., Guerrero, P., Hasan, M., Shi, L., Deschaintre, V., Matusik, W. (Dec. 2, 2024)

SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

SuperGaussian: Repurposing Video Models for 3D Super Resolution

Shen, Y., Ceylan, D., Guerrero, P., Xu, Z., Mitra, N., Wang, S., Frühstück, A. (Sep. 29, 2024)

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

TexSliders: Diffusion-Based Texture Editing in CLIP Space

Guerrero-Viu, J., Hasan, M., Roullier, A., Harikumar, M., Hu, Y., Guerrero, P., Gutierrez, D., Masia, B., Deschaintre, V. (Jul. 25, 2024)


Diffusion Handles: Enabling 3D Edits for Diffusion Models by Lifting Activations to 3D

Pandey, K., Guerrero, P., Gadelha, M., Hold-Geoffroy, Y., Singh, K., Mitra, N. (Jun. 17, 2024)

CVPR 2024

PhotoMat: A Material Generator Learned from Single Flash Photos

Zhou, X., Hašan, M., Deschaintre, V., Guerrero, P., Hold-Geoffroy, Y., Sunkavalli, K., Kalantari, N. (Aug. 1, 2023)

Siggraph 2023

Generating Procedural Materials from Text or Image Prompts

Hu, Y., Guerrero, P., Hašan, M., Rushmeier, H., Deschaintre, V. (Aug. 1, 2023)

Siggraph 2023

A Semi-Procedural Convolutional Material Prior

Zhou, X., Hašan, M., Deschaintre, V., Guerrero, P., Sunkavalli, K., Kalantari, N. (Mar. 10, 2023)

CGF, Eurographics 2023

TileGen: Tileable, Controllable Material Generation and Capture

Zhou, X., Hašan, M., Deschaintre, V., Guerrero, P., Sunkavalli, K., Kalantari, N. (Dec. 1, 2022)

Siggraph Asia 2022

MatFormer: A Generative Model for Procedural Materials

Guerrero, P., Hašan, M., Sunkavalli, K., Měch, R., Boubekeur, T., Mitra, N. (Aug. 8, 2022)

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2022)

Node Graph Optimization Using Differentiable Proxies

Hu, Y., Guerrero, P., Hašan, M., Rushmeier, H., Deschaintre, V. (Aug. 1, 2022)

Siggraph 2022

Controlling Material Appearance by Examples

Hu, Y., Hašan, M., Guerrero, P., Rushmeier, H., Deschaintre, V. (Jul. 1, 2022)

Computer Graphics Forum (EGSR 2022)

Pix2Surf: Learning Parametric 3D Surface Models of Objects from Images

Lei, J., Sridhar, S., Guerrero, P., Sung, M., Mitra, N., Guibas, L. (Aug. 24, 2020)

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)
