
Terrain Amplification using Multi-scale Erosion


Publication date: July 27, 2024

Hugo Schott, Eric Galin, Eric Guérin, Adrien Peytavie, Axel Paris

Modeling high-resolution terrains is a perennial challenge in the creation of virtual worlds. In this paper, we focus on the amplification of a low-resolution input terrain into a high-resolution, hydrologically consistent terrain featuring complex patterns by a multi-scale approach. Our framework combines the best of both worlds, relying on physics-inspired erosion models producing consistent erosion landmarks and introducing control at different scales, thus bridging the gap between physics-based erosion simulations and multi-scale procedural modeling. The method relies on a fast and accurate approximation of different simulations, including thermal, stream power, and hill slope erosion performed at different scales to obtain a range of effects. Our approach provides landscape artists with tools for amplifying mountain ranges and valleys with consistent details.

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Research Area:  Adobe Research iconGraphics (2D & 3D)