
Towards effective evaluation of geometric texture synthesis algorithms

NPAR 2013 – Proceedings of the ACM/Eurographics Symposium on Non-Photorealistic Animation and Rendering

Publication date: July 19, 2013

Zainab. AlMeraj, Craig Kaplan, Paul Asente

In recent years, an increasing number of example-based Geometric Texture Synthesis (GTS) algorithms have been proposed. However, there have been few attempts to evaluate these algorithms rigorously. We are driven by this lack of validation and the simplicity of the GTS problem to look closer at perceptual similarity between geometric arrangements. Using samples from a geological database, our research first establishes a dataset of geometric arrangements gathered from multiple synthesis sources. We then employ the dataset in two evaluation studies. Collectively these empirical methods provide formal foundations for perceptual studies in GTS, insight into the robustness of GTS algorithms and a better understanding of similarity in the context of geometric texture arrangements.

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